Teach Strings
From journals and webinars to string curriculum and college credit, ASTA resource cover every aspect of the string community, from budding student teachers to artist-status performers. Find and take advantage of the resources you need to support your career, teaching, and artistry through the pages below.
American String Teacher Journal
Our award-winning quarterly journal keeps our community up to date on the string profession. Preview and access content online and submit articles or content for review.
String Research Journal
Our peer-reviewed research journal covers a wide rage of topics and research relevant to string settings to encourage and improve string research. Access articles, order a copy, or submit articles today.
ASTA Certificate Advancement Program
ASTACAP aims to establish clear objectives and recognition for string students of all levels. Learn more, access the curriculum, and find examination information.
Beyond the AST and SRJ journals, ASTA offers a number of other publications, including an assessment guide, string curriculum, syllabi, and more. Learn more and order the best publication for you.
Resource Library
Browse the full library of ASTA resources. There's something for everyone—including teaching tips, research, advocacy guides, repertoire ideas, assessments, and much, much more.
Mentor Program
Find support for your career, whether a beginning teacher, new to strings, or looking to sharpen your skills, by connecting with an experienced string education specialist.
Find a Teacher Workshop
Find a professional development opportunity that works for you—in-person or virtual, beginning or advanced, run by ASTA or by a partner corporation or institution.
Continuing Education Credits
When you attend the National Conference, Virtual Summit, or an ASTA Webinar, you can earn credit hours to use toward certificate/license renewal and to apply toward college programs.
Career Center
Find your best fit with the help of the ASTA community—whether looking for a string-related job opportunity, or advertising an opening at your organization or school.
Advocacy Resources
Whether a teacher, parent, student, or friend, learn more about how you can help advocate for string education in your community, and find resources to help you get started.
Conference & Summit
Our flagship events offer unrivaled opportunities to grow your career—engage with the string educator community, learn from industry leaders, earn professional development credit, and more.
ASTA eLearning (Webinars)
Learn from your peers and leaders in the string community and earn professional development credit from webinars covering hot topics for all types of string programs.
Engage with Chapters
Looking for local support and resources? State chapters a conduit to engage with your local string community, and student chapters a door into the community early in your career.