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ASTACAP Online is open twice a year, in June and November. Learn more about ASTACAP Online below, and get ready to apply in November!

Why ASTACAP Online?

  • Receive written feedback from nationally recognized adjudicators for scales, etudes, and repertoire.
  • Students who successfully complete their performance will receive a certificate of recognition.
  • Virtual opportunity to recognize your students' hard work when studio recitals are not an option.
  • Submit student performances for evaluation for a wide range of levels to fit any playing ability (foundation to level 10). Students of all ages may participate.
  • Member access to the full ASTACAP Handbook, which includes a breakdown of all ASTACAP level requirements, sample repertoire lists, and tips for submitting online performances.

How to apply for ASTACAP Online:

  • ASTACAP Online is open from November 1 to November 30, 2024.
  • You must be a current ASTA member to submit applications for your students.
  • Application costs are as follows: Levels: Foundation - 2: $50.00, Levels: 3 - 5: $65.00 Levels: 6 - 7: $80.00, Levels: 8 - 10: $95.00
  • Before applying, please review the ASTACAP program information for the performance options for your student's ability. Students of all ages may participate. See the tips below for submitting a successful performance.
  • The program platform supports the following video formats: mpeg, mpg, mp4, ogg, mov, avi, wmv, m4v, vob.

Tips for submitting a successful online performance:

  1. Check the ASTACAP Handbook and ASTACAP level requirements carefully to ensure that your student has all requirements prepared. (member login required)
  2. You will record three videos: one for scales, one for etudes, and one for the repertoire selection (if your ASTACAP level requires more than one piece, you will need to record one video for each piece).
  3. When recording your student's performance, treat it like an audition tape. Be mindful of any background noise or distracting items in the room. If your student is performing from memory, your video should clearly show a room without a music stand, or the music stand should be facing away from the student with no music on it.
  4. Videos must be recorded back-to-back as if they were being recorded in a live setting. No edits may be made to the videos; please ensure videos are all recorded in one sitting.
  5. Teachers, as the ASTA member, must submit all student performances.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

To participate in ASTACAP throughout the year, consider participating in an in-person examination.

(703) 279-2113

P.O. Box 551, Annapolis Junction, MD, 20701

© 2025 American String Teachers Association