String Research Journal Submissions

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The editorial board of the String Research Journal (SRJ) welcomes research reports of a philosophical, historical, or scientific nature that enhance knowledge regarding the teaching and learning of string instruments and string music. All articles should be submitted online through the link below. Prior to submitting, please review the guidelines listed below and have your submission prepared for blind review.



The editorial board of the String Research Journal (SRJ) welcomes research reports of a philosophical, historical, or scientific nature that enhance knowledge regarding the teaching and learning of string instruments and string music.


Manuscripts should conform to the style recommended in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 7th edition, 2020). For historical or philosophical papers, The Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition, 2017) is also acceptable. Styles must not be mixed. All manuscripts must be in English.

Submission Procedure

Manuscripts must be submitted online at Authors will be required to set up an online account in the SAGE Track system powered by ScholarOne. Submissions must be in Word document format and include two separate files:

  1. The manuscript (12-point font, double-spaced) with an abstract (175 words or fewer)
  2. A separate title page with the author’s contact information to ensure blind review

Contact information must include the author’s name, address, phone number, email address, institutional affiliation, and a statement affirming that the manuscript has not been published previously in part or in whole and that it is not under consideration by any other source. Manuscripts that are based on an author’s dissertation or thesis, or that have been posted as a preprint, must be identified as such.

Evaluation Procedure

When a manuscript is received, the author of the manuscript or the lead author of a multi-authored manuscript will be notified of its receipt. Three members of the editorial board will review manuscripts in a blind review process. Reviewers will evaluate each manuscript based on the following criteria:

  1. Importance of the problem under investigation
  2. Discussion of the problem and its importance
  3. Review of relevant literature and/or theory
  4. Application of procedures appropriate to the purpose of the study
  5. Presentation and analysis of data
  6. Validity of conclusions given the data reported and/or the literature cited
  7. Writing mechanics, communicability, and conformity to style guide
  8. Quality of research endeavor.

Each reviewer will either

  1. suggest publication of the manuscript in SRJ without change or with minor changes,
  2. suggest the author make suggested revisions and submit to SRJ again for further publication consideration, or
  3. suggest that the manuscript not be considered further for publication in SRJ.

The majority recommendation of the reviewers will normally determine whether a manuscript will be accepted for publication. The initial and each subsequent review will normally take approximately two to three months to complete, after which the author of the manuscript or the lead author of a multi-authored manuscript will be notified of the editorial decision.


Please contact us at

4155 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, VA, 22030

© 2024 American String Teachers Association