2025 VSTS Call for Proposals
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Sounds of Change: Navigating a Shifting Educational Landscape
Teaching isn't what it was five years ago... what is it for you and your students now?
ASTA is seeking session and research poster proposals to be presented at the
2025 ASTA Virtual String Teachers Summit,
July 14-15!
The 2025 ASTA Virtual String Teachers Summit online submission process is now open to accept your session proposals from October 21 NOW EXTENDED through December 9, 2024, at 11:59 PM PST.
Please read ALL requirements and guidelines prior to submitting your proposal.
Have a question about submitting? Email meetings@astastrings.org.
Requirements for Session Proposals
- All session proposals will ONLY be accepted through the online submission process. No paper proposals will be accepted. Proposals must be submitted by 11:59 pm PST December 9, 2024.
- All session presenters and co-presenters MUST BE current ASTA members when submitting the proposal and at the time of the presentation and are expected to register for the full summit. Accepted presenters will receive a discounted presenter registration rate. Submissions by and including nonmembers will be rejected. You can check membership status, become a member, or renew: https://www.astastrings.org/site/membership
- All proposals must be complete to receive consideration. Proposals that are incomplete or do not meet the guidelines will be rejected.
- Because these proposals are reviewed in a BLIND, PEER-REVIEW process, DO NOT include your name or any identifying information, including any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) within the proposal's content (title, marketing description, abstract, and professional service activities).
- Sessions will be presented synchronously (live) in a virtual space on our ASTA platform to allow for interaction and community building around the topic at the 2025 ASTA Virtual String Teachers Summit – July 14-15. Accepted sessions will be available for summit registrants through December 31, 2025. All presenters are expected to register for and attend the online/synchronous summit to present.
- The committee will not accept session proposals that are solely performance based or those that promote individual commercial products. Commercial materials may be used in a session for educational objectives, but they cannot be used for promotional purposes. Taking orders or selling products during the session is prohibited.
- Music Industry Showcase Sessions (sessions promoting commercial products) are available for purchase and must be reserved separately. Music Industry Showcases are NOT handled through this platform. To learn more, please contact ellie@carldunn.com.
- You can learn more about how sessions are reviewed by the ASTA National Conference and Virtual Summit Committee HERE.
Proposal Artifacts to Prepare for Proposal Submission
- ASTA Membership Email Address
- Name, Contact Information, Professional Institution
- Years of Professional Experience
- 2-4 Professional Service Activities that best represents your expertise in the topic area of the proposal to be selected from (non-identifying, within the last 3-7 years) SEE BELOW FOR SAMPLES.
- Have you presented at an ASTA National Conference or Virtual Summit prior to the 2025 VSTS?
- Eligibility to Submit Acknowledgement
- Additional Presenter Information
Because these submissions are reviewed in a BLIND, PEER-REVIEW process, DO NOT include your name or any identifying information, including any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) within the proposal's content (title, marketing description, abstract, and professional service activities).
- Session Title (5-10 words)
- Marketing Description (50-75 words)
- Abstract (250-300 words)
- Learning Formats (select one)
- Primary and Secondary Focus Areas (select two)
- Session Topic (select two)
- Target Instrument(s) (select all that apply)
- Would you like the session to be considered for a webinar presentation outside of the summit or conference if not accepted for this event?
Professional Experience
Please list 2-4 Professional Service Activities that best represents your expertise in the topic area of the proposal to be selected from (non-identifying, within the last 3-7 years):
- In-service, Workshop, Conference, and other Professional Development presentations (i.e. MMEA Presenter, 2023; School District Professional Development Clinician, 2021)
- Conducting, Clinicing, or Adjudicating events (i.e. All-District Orchestra Adjudicator, 2022; Region/District Orchestra Clinician, 2019)
- Performances and Professional Activities (i.e. Soloist, Kansas City Philharmonic – October 2023; Cello section member, Southwest State Region Orchestra - 2019 to present)
- Master Class Clinician (i.e. Peabody Conservatory, 2021)
- Guest Lecturer (i.e. University of Nevada-Reno, 2020 – virtual)
- Publication and Content Creation (i.e. American String Teacher, 2022)
- Practical Application Projects/Presentations (i.e. Grant Funding Coordinator, 2023)
**Professional Experience Information needs to be vague enough that a reviewer cannot immediately identify you, but specific enough to assist the reviewer to know your expertise in the area.
Learning Formats
Learning formats support a range of instruction that give attendees the option of choosing different content, materials, and methods that match their objectives.
**Each session block will be 45 minutes. If you wish to leave time for questions, please include that time in your 45-minute time allotment. For Express Talks, there will be two presentations placed in each presentation block. A 15-minute presentation with a 5-minute Q&A.
- Express Talk (20 minutes) – A TED style talk given by 1 person that explores a single idea with practical teaching or performing tips, projects or state/student chapter ideas to exchange.
- Listen and Learn (45 minutes) – A blend of lecture-based instruction, interaction, and case studies
- Learn and Play (45 minutes) - Hands-on learning experience with the speaker; have your instrument ready to join online.
- Panel Discussion (45 minutes) – A facilitated conversation with a group of experts and the audience (REMINDER: All panelists are presenters and must be submitted in the proposal)
Primary and Secondary Focus Areas: What is the focus of the content in your proposal?
The conference committee aims to provide a program that serves the needs of ASTA’s diverse community of string teachers.
Presenters are required to pick two focus areas of their proposed sessions: one as the primary area for the proposed session and a second as a secondary area:
- Collegiate/University - Content covers pedagogy, instructional topics, teacher preparation, and research relevant to higher education professors.
- Community Music – Content covers topics relevant to community music programs, such as youth orchestra programs, El Sistema, New Horizons, and other community-based ensembles.
- Conducting – Fosters community and ASTA identity for members whose primary teaching duties are conducting university, professional, and honors ensembles; identifies needs and trends of membership conducting, provides resources for the development and refinement of conducting skills, and submits content ideas for consideration.
- DEIA - Content covers topics related to diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and exceptionalities in terms of the people and environments in string teaching and learning.
- Eclectic Styles – Content covers topics related to teaching eclectic or multi-style music, including but not limited to fiddle, rock, jazz, mariachi, and all world music.
- Emeritus – Content is directly related to opportunities and topics for retired and senior ASTA members, such as transitioning into retirement, financial planning, and opportunities to continue to contribute to the profession.
- General– theory, copyright, advocacy, entrepreneurship, mentoring, ASTACAP, non-string players teaching strings, and non-classroom-based technology.
- Studio & Chamber Music – Content covers pedagogy, instructional methods, repertoire, and administrative tasks relevant to private studio instructors.
- School Orchestra – Content covers pedagogy, instruction methods, classroom management, rehearsal strategies, repertoire, classroom-based technology, and other topics relevant to public/private school teachers.
- Student – Content covers topics relevant to attendees who are working toward becoming string teachers and performers (school, studio, performers, scholars), such as completing music degrees, finding employment, or attending graduate school.
- Wellness - Content covers topics relevant to the health and wellness of string teachers, students and players, including but not limited to body mapping, metal health, teacher and student productivity
Sample Session Topics
The following is a list of sample topics for sessions to consider for the summit or conference.
- Adjudication
- Advocacy
- Arranging and composing
- Audition prep and college applications for teachers and students
- Beginner, intermediate, and advanced instrument techniques (including musicianship)
- Body awareness, physical wellness, performance anxiety, & injury prevention
- Chamber music
- Community engagement/outreach for youth and adult programs
- Conducting
- Curriculum
- DEIA/Social Justice
- Eclectic Styles
- Engaging warm-ups and rehearsal strategies
- Grant writing and funding ideas
- Improvisation
- Inclusion/accessibility
- Individual, group class, and classroom teaching and assessment strategies
- Instrument purchase, repair, and maintenance
- Marketing/promotions
- Mental/emotional health for teachers and students
- Pedagogy, including secondary instruments and string instruments for secondary string teacher/player
- Repertoire and Teaching Materials
- Research Applications
- Student motivation and leadership
- Teacher and program recruitment & retention
- Teaching in specific locations: rural, town, suburban, urban
- Technology (LMS and teaching aids)
Notifications for Session Proposals will be sent in February 2025.
You will be notified via email, so make sure that your email address is correct in the proposal application.
Questions? Email meetings@astastrings.org.
Applications are now closed
2025 VSTS Session Proposal Application