Research Survey Distribution Application

Researchers may request permission to have a survey distributed to the ASTA membership. All requests will be reviewed by the ASTA Research Committee. A limited number may be selected, as appropriate to the following criteria:

The study:

  • has a clear purpose, including clearly stated outcomes of benefit to ASTA—to a targeted portion or all ASTA membership;
  • is being conducted by a current ASTA member;
  • is described in the Research Survey Distribution Application and submitted to the ASTA Research Committee.

Please note: No researcher will receive a list of ASTA member emails; all communication regarding the survey will be distributed through the ASTA national office.

If selected for distribution to the ASTA membership, or a targeted portion of the ASTA membership, the researcher will:

  • submit payment of $100 to ASTA for communication costs;
  • have the survey distributed to the appropriate ASTA members in a maximum of 3 emails (normally the initial survey and two follow-up reminder emails);
  • submit a 300-500 word abstract to share with the membership on the ASTA website;
  • present a poster or a session at ASTA National Conference, and/or submit an article to the American String Teacher journal or String Research Journal, within one year of completion of the study.

To apply:

  1. Complete the Research Survey Distribution Application using the link to the form below with all necessary information. Please keep in mind that the survey invitation may be edited.
  2. Allow 14-21 business days for review.

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be considered based on the following criteria:

1. Written clarity of the proposal

Proposals should respond completely and clearly to each portion of the form. Incomplete and/or unclear proposals will be sent back.

2. Merits of the benefits to the organization and/or membership

The benefits should be clearly delineated according to stakeholder group and align with ASTA’s strategic goals and values.

3. Alignment between proposed research design/survey tool and stated benefits

The research purpose, research questions, and design/survey tool should align with the proposed benefits. Issues such as incongruencies, methodological shortcomings, validity, etc., may yield results that do not satisfy the requirements to substantiate the purported benefits.

4. Membership response burden

Response burden directly impacts potential response/completion rate and consequent benefits to ASTA/membership. Factors that affect response burden include stated and actual completion time, aspects of the survey design, item characteristics, and perceived relevance of the survey/goals to the respondent, among others. All proposals will be reviewed to ensure the response burden remains a reasonable ask for our membership.

5. Clarity of the survey tool/supporting document(s)

The survey tool and supporting document(s) should be clearly written. If appropriate, key terms should be defined and constructs of interest should be operationalized.

(703) 279-2113

P.O. Box 551, Annapolis Junction, MD, 20701

© 2025 American String Teachers Association